In 2010, I was overweight, unhappy, and embarrassed by my physical appearance. Besides the superficial aspects, heart disease runs in my family, and being 35 pounds overweight made it clear the path I was heading down. There are specific moments in life that standout because they help to define you. One of mine was stepping on a scale in my parents basement, being horrified at the number staring back at me, and deciding right then and there to do something about it. I joined a gym the next day and decided to take back my life.
When I first stepped into the gym, I had little to no idea what I was doing. I went about my fitness journey on my own and because of this made countless mistakes along the way. I did not understand the importance of exercise selection, rep ranges, and proper form. The results that took me three years to achieve should have been accomplished within six months. Once I lost 35 pounds and put back on 20 pounds of lean muscle, it became my passion to assist others with their fitness goals and make sure they avoided all the injuries and mistakes I made.
Regardless of where you are starting or the fitness goals you have in mind, everyone’s journey starts the same exact way: by taking the first step. I am living proof that the person you are today does not define who you will become in the future. Whether you are looking to lose weight, add muscle, or lead a healthier lifestyle, I would love to assist you on your journey to becoming a healthier and more confident version of yourself.
- Certification: National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)