Are you Over Training?
Over Training It can happen to anyone who is active – the dreaded overtraining. Its more than just feeling run down, cranky or sore. It can lead to reduced immune system, weight loss (in a bad way) injury and even sickness. Below is a list of common symptoms. Basically, overtraining happens when you overload your […]
Answers About Creatine Supplementation
Today im gonna talk to you all about the most widely used, and heavily studied supplement in the fitness world, creatine. I get a ton of questions about creatine *when should I take it? *how much should I take? *Whats the best kind? *is it even necessary? Scientifically, none of those things have been proven […]
Personal Training: Static Stretching
The Effects of Static Stretching on Performance Static stretching continues to be a touchy subject when it comes to effecting performance factors of strength, power, and speed. This makes for difficult decisions for fitness professionals to incorporate static stretching in their clients and athletes programs. Some research studies have shown a negative impact on performance, […]
Personal Training Lakewood : Yoga at Absolute!
Proud to announce Absolute Personal Fitness will have 12 Yoga classes each week starting July 1st Yoga Times Monday: 6am Tuesday: 6pm Wednesday: 6am, Noon Thursday: Noon, 6pm Friday: 6am, Noon Saturday: 7:30am Sunday: 12:00 We will keep this schedule updated under our classes Section. Warm welcome to Bill Baldry, our new Yoga instructor. Visit […]