The Effects of Static Stretching on Performance
Static stretching continues to be a touchy subject when it comes to effecting performance factors of strength, power, and speed. This makes for difficult decisions for fitness professionals to incorporate static stretching in their clients and athletes programs. Some research studies have shown a negative impact on performance, while others have shown to be a positive way to warm up before a work-out. The study was divided into 4 categories.
1. <30 seconds of continuous static stretching/ Did Not Negatively effect performance(strength, power, speed) 2. 30-45 seconds of continuous static stretching/ Did Not Negatively effect performance(strength, power, speed) 3. 1-2 min. continuous static stretching/ Did Negatively effect performance(strength, power, speed) 4. >2 min. continuous static stretching/ Did Negatively effect performance(strength, power, speed)
Static stretching is an important part of a warm-up. Stretching establishes proper muscle length and joint range of motion. If done correctly, keeping the warm-up <60 seconds, static stretching will not effect performance in a negative way. For more info visit our Gyms in Lakewood CO or call 720-389-9693