Lakewood Personal Training: Learn about Exercise and Inflammation!

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We all know that exercise is important, but did you know it can reduce inflamation? Here are few examples of how it can benefit:

– American adults who engaged in frequent physical activity tended to have lower CRPs (C reactive Protein – read below) than adults who were more sedentary.

– In type 2 diabetics, high intensity resistance and aerobic training reduced inflammatory markers over the course of a year (independent of changes in body weight, meaning activity was the key factor).

– Endurance combined with resistance training reduced CRP in young, healthy women better than endurance training alone. * In obese, post-menopausal women, a basic moderate cardio program lowered CRP without really affecting body weight either way over the course of a year.

C-reactive protein is produced by the liver. The level of CRP rises when there is inflammation throughout the body.

So come in to Absolute Personal Fitness today and join one of our group classes to make the most of your time, push you in the right direction and reduce inflammation!

click here for our Gym offering Personal Training in Lakewood CO

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