It’s February. How’s your “New Year Resolution” going? This is usually the time when you know if you are on the right track or if you fell of somewhere. Are you disappointed with the results that you got in January? From my experience, I have identified three main reasons why people fall short of their resolution goals. The biggest reason why I see people fall short of their fitness goals is that, even though they started on a program, they really weren’t ready to start a program. Another reason that I see people stop early is that didn’t take advantage of personal training. Lastly, and most importantly, is the setting of unrealistic goals. If you feel like you didn’t accomplish what you wanted to in January, don’t worry. It’s not too late to get back on track and start working on those fitness goals.
Why did you decide to make a fitness resolution this year? Was it because it was a new year, and this year you were “ready” to finally lose the weight? Was it because you tried last year to lose the weight and you didn’t? Before you can make a lifestyle change you need to be completely, and total ready and prepared to do whatever it takes to be successful. There needs to be no more excuses. Time and time again I often hear the same excuses: I don’t have enough time. I have too many responsibilities. It’s too expensive.
You have all the time you need to be healthy. You have time for the things you choose. You choose to spend time on the things that are important to you. Working out, eating right, and healthy living need to be important enough to you to choose. Again, eliminate the excuses. If you need to wake up early, to workout then wake up early. If you need to use your lunch hour, then use your lunch hour. If you need to get it handled after work, then that’s what you have to do. Choose to spend time every day to be healthy.
I also hear: “I’ve got a demanding job, a family to take care of, and I’m doing all these things for everyone else.” Those are some of the exact reasons why you need to stay healthy. If you have a family to take care of then you need to be healthy. They want you around for a long, long time. If you choose to make time for a healthy lifestyle then you will be more likely to be there for them. You’re an important part of your company? Another reason to be healthy. You can perform better, be in a better mood, and be an inspiration to others. Too busy taking care of everyone else that you feel you have no time for you? A wise person once told me, “You need to put your oxygen mask on first before you can save the rest of us.” You’re helping everyone else because you love them. Love them enough to be healthy so you are there for them longer. Another great quote is, “If the cook doesn’t eat, then everyone starves.” Say no sometimes, so that you can say yes to fitness. Visit our Gym in Lakewood CO